Past Posts

May 2024
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Making your own prints!

If you have been thinking of making your own prints from your artwork without spending a fortune or investing in a lot of expensive equipment, and you are not sure how to start or what to do, then our April 14th workshop is for you!

Traditional mailings in your art business

OK, it’s true that people still throw away much of their mail (and, it even looks like the U.S. Postal Service will cut back on its deliveries). But if a mailer is done right, you can get a nice return on your investment.

Talking to your clients in public

. And as we discussed in the workshop, any question or even comment from a client is an invitation from them to “tell me more.” Only one person, a man, seemed to be astounded (at least outwardly) by my prices. The fact is, that he probably just had no clue..he wants a portrait but is learning that they are not free or cheap.

Wed, March 10 workshop-Talking to your clients!

If you are an artist who becomes tongue tied, shy, or you simply don’t know how to respond to questions asked of you in public, then you need to join us on March 10 for this powerful seminar!

The Circle Game

When talking with artists about marketing and selling their art,  the most often asked questions is, “How do I start?” One of the answers to that question is, “Decide to whom you will be selling your art and focus on them.” “How do I do that?” Well, if your art can be categorized you are [...]

The nitty gritty of selling your art workshop…

Quite frankly, as working artists, our money is in our art, not our ebooks. But the encouragement and motivation we generate is priceless! :-)

A Gallery wants money to represent me….

A Gallery wants $3,000 up front to represent me. Do all Art Galleries operate this way?

Explaining artspeak to artists

We are always telling artists,”Don’t use artspeak”…
Here is an example from another field…

A Secret to Pricing your Art

I am going to tell you a secret, well it’s not really a secret we just don’t want to believe it to be true. However, once you believe it you will look at pricing your art in a new light. Your cannot price your art to sell. You can’t do anything to make your art [...]

What good are Art Schools?

Having studied a few years of Architectural Engineering way back when, I always, in the back of my mind, wondered what I missed by not studying at an art achool. After all, I have ended up with a career in “Fine Arts.”