Past Posts

January 2025
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The Rise of couponing in small Business

Consumer demands are changing. Customers want more immediate access to the best relevant deals and are using the Internet as the primary way to redeem coupons. Now, one in five smartphone users use mobile coupons and the demographics of coupon users are shifting. AN excerpt:

Should I announce that I am raising my art prices?

You would do well to follow the patterns of successful businesses and see what the trends are (they all have invested big bucks into market analysis) before randomly deciding to increase or decrease something as complex as pricing.

The 3 things your business plan must have!

At the end of the year, most people are in dual modes of looking back at how their business did over the past year and looking forward to what can be improved in the New Year. It’s probably time to blow the dust off your old business plan and see what’s missing.

The Fast and Easy Shortcuts to Success?

It is telling that the most often asked question in our art marketing seminars is “How do I price my work?” The artists who ask, regardless of what they just heard from me in the seminar, are searching for an easy, magical formula for instant success. And top of their list is the thought ” skip the rest-just tell me how to price my art so I can sell”

Linkedin-is it helpful?

So don’t hyperventilate over the multitude of online social sites. Handle only what you can handle. After all, at some point you have to find the time to create your art!

50 Things under $50.00 to promote your art

Great article by Penny Sanseverini who promotes ways to sell BOOKS! LOL-Now you think selling art is difficult? Try selling books where the author gets…what, a few dollars for each book sold? Talk about getting out and hustling!

First Complaint from a client-Customer Service

Working on commission means you are an artist for hire. Plain and simple.

“Emerging Artist” tag and why you need to dump it!

Our newest Art Career Experts newsletter is coming out this week and for all of those who have been saddled with or have adopted the tag of “emerging artist”, you need to read why we feel (maybe insist is a better word) that you should dump it!

Selling virtually anywhere!

…When I am at a book signing, the people there aren’t there because of me; they are there because of my books. They don’t care what’s inside me. They care what’s inside my books. (John Foxglove)

Thank you to our seminar participants!!

A great big THANK YOU to the participants in our September 11 seminar! If you missed it, see us in November at the Art of the Carolinas! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Tell a [...]