Past Posts

February 2025
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First Complaint from a client-Customer Service

Working on commission means you are an artist for hire. Plain and simple.

Microlending for small businesses

Within five minutes of sending the newsletter out, someone had given me $1,000. Two days later, I had already met our goal. It was incredibly positive. It was everyone coming together, understanding the situation and offering their support. A lot of customers who weren’t in a position to do this came in and bought tea, which helped.

Thank you to our seminar participants!!

A great big THANK YOU to the participants in our September 11 seminar! If you missed it, see us in November at the Art of the Carolinas! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Tell a [...]

When Art Grants end

The art world is all up in arms. Every place you turn to there is some article about the government or the states reducing or eliminating public money for artist grants.

Wed, March 10 workshop-Talking to your clients!

If you are an artist who becomes tongue tied, shy, or you simply don’t know how to respond to questions asked of you in public, then you need to join us on March 10 for this powerful seminar!

The Circle Game

When talking with artists about marketing and selling their art,  the most often asked questions is, “How do I start?” One of the answers to that question is, “Decide to whom you will be selling your art and focus on them.” “How do I do that?” Well, if your art can be categorized you are [...]

Sticking with it!

We are all human and we all get discouraged, disappointed, tired or too busy and let our initial efforts fade away. But there is a way to channel your energy and enthusiasm and keep the level up there long enough to see positive results!

Explaining artspeak to artists

We are always telling artists,”Don’t use artspeak”…
Here is an example from another field…

Commissioned Art and deadlines in December!

Commissioned art. It can be a financial lifesaver. It can also make you grit your teeth and feel like quitting!
Knowing yourself and how you operate is the key to being a successful commission artist.

The value of Testimonials

The first time that I  saw the word “testimonials” on a website, I was not exactly sure what it meant.  Websites were new and  people and companies were trying out different formats.  I  knew all about “endorsements” or “recommendations”  and “comments” but someone “testifying” in a format other than a courtroom was new to me! [...]