Past Posts

July 2024
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Working with the wholesale market

Depending on what your art product is, the ability to find wholesale outlets can be a challenge. Partnering with active organizations or having an arts council that can do that is, as they say, a “win win” situation for all concerned. The critical point is that this organizations “gets it.” There is always more impetus [...]

Do your own Creative Research!

Think of all the time some of you may be spending daily on the computer reading other people’s blogs and devote some of that time to your own creative research. Sometimes you just have to get out there and do it!

What art to take to an outdoor show

Know your organizational weaknesses and make a decision to overcome them because if you do not, then every show will become an ordeal……very often it is not the work that is the biggest issue but how we are seeing it and handling it!.

50 Things under $50.00 to promote your art

Great article by Penny Sanseverini who promotes ways to sell BOOKS! LOL-Now you think selling art is difficult? Try selling books where the author gets…what, a few dollars for each book sold? Talk about getting out and hustling!

Getting Ready for the Summer Art Shows

It takes preparation to participate in an outdoor art show (juried and non-juried) anywhere-near or far and preparations for your show season should take place long before your first show!

Why you may not be ready to become a business

Combining creativity and business is also a state of mind and you will be unsuccessful if you cannot switch gears to accept and embrace what needs to be done.:-)

Re-energizing your Marketing Details

February brings semi-panic to those artists who have not created any type of business plan or course of action for the year and are just about ready to throw up their hands and say “Forget it! This is just too hard!”

Rainy Days…….and the artist life

An artist’s life in regards to hours and paychecks is not a real predictable affair. We work when other do not and do not work when others are at work. We get paid sporadically and in terms of income, it can be far more or far less than what someone who is not an artist may make.

pricing pet portraits

I don’t advocate pricing by time and materials, price is so much a part of the perceived value of art and that has to be taken into account.

The Refreshing Art of Entrepreneurship

There is a direct correlation between need and motivation. None of these artists had motivational issues. Excuses did not enter into this picture. They had families to feed, bills to pay and they were delighted to have buyers. None of them pondered the academic world of artist angst.