Past Posts

May 2024
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Is your E-mail address costing you money?

This is a quick post to remind you to look at your email address. Ideally, it should be But if it’s not, please don’t try to do business with an email address. Yes, it keeps spam away from you, but if a potential collector emails you and gets back a link to a [...]

Outside art/craft shows

The following is a one day art/craft show that has been around for 30 years.

Starving artist sale

Starving Artist Sale! I hope none of you EVER participates in a show or sale where this is the headline grabber! “Well”, you say, “What else should we use? It IS a sale and we ARE starving!” Humor aside, think what you are implying. You might as well yell “ART GIVEAWAY!”or “CHEAP! ALMOST FREE!” Most [...]

Adding video to your website

Adding video content to your website has become a new means of increasing traffic and raising your site in the Search Engines.

Commissioned Art and deadlines in December!

Commissioned art. It can be a financial lifesaver. It can also make you grit your teeth and feel like quitting!
Knowing yourself and how you operate is the key to being a successful commission artist.

The value of Testimonials

The first time that I  saw the word “testimonials” on a website, I was not exactly sure what it meant.  Websites were new and  people and companies were trying out different formats.  I  knew all about “endorsements” or “recommendations”  and “comments” but someone “testifying” in a format other than a courtroom was new to me! [...]

The working artist month

Wow, we have been BUSY! But hey that’s good!  The point is that if you are a self employed artist then the economic downturn is simply another bump in the road. All of it requires constant rethinking and reworking the way we are accomplishing our goals! Don’t be too quick to give up on ideas [...]

Replying to the Robert Genn post on Aggressive artists

From Steve of ACE: Here is my reply to a recent letter from Robert Genn on Aggressive Artists. I have severely edited it, there is much I would like to add. Here is the link to his letter, I am reluctant to copy it here. I will try to keep this short, but I [...]

The Artist’s Creative Zone- The Key to Zoning out

The Artist’s Creative Zone- The Key to Zoning out. M Theresa Brown The Creative Zone. It’s where all artists want to be. Whether you create your art product for pleasure or create it for profit, the Zone is that artistic level where an artist is in tune with his creative process and everything else is [...]

Combining art, family and career

Every so often I run across some great articles where I feel the content is SO appropriate that it is necessary to share much of the article as it was written!  It would be very interesting to see if this documentary becomes available to a wider audience. Arlington, Mass. – The highly acclaimed documentary, “Who [...]