Past Posts

January 2025
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Because honestly, if you have not taken up the challenges to become an artist in the 5 years we have been sharing our knowledge, then you simply aren’t going to. This lifestyle is not for the faint of heart.

2013 and the Economy through the Eyes of an Artist

If big businesses have failed with all their marketing expertise and service businesses have failed with their consumable products, then what possible chance does an artist have of surviving the lean years? To be frank, no one “needs” your art.

THe Life of an Artist and 2013!

So we’ll be sending out Jan newsletter when we return and I will share just HOW we are able to “live the life of an artist”. SO if that doesn’t keep you on pins and needles, nothing will!

Checklist for Outdoor and Indoor Art Shows-Stop forgetting!

Feeling the sweat roll down your back while you slow bake over the asphalt at an outdoor art fair in Florida is not a good time to realize that you forgot the sunblock or your hat or the cooler. Discovering that the artists must all park 30 blocks from the show is not a good time to realize that you left the hand cart in the studio!
I could go on and on but you get the picture. Make a list.

Turning your Studio into a Retreat

Artists often need beauty and quiet times for inspiration…. it’s a perfect place for many of our classes and our art retreats. Sure you can find the beauty elsewhere as an option. But being a part of it, nourishing it and reveling in it…well now, that’s the artist’s life!

Do your own Creative Research!

Think of all the time some of you may be spending daily on the computer reading other people’s blogs and devote some of that time to your own creative research. Sometimes you just have to get out there and do it!

Sometimes you just gotta have fun!

Sometimes, when all is said and done, a painter just needs to…paint! Have some fun. Slop some paint on a canvas or step outside the comfort zone. That’s just what we did last weekend with an art workshop at our studio…just had fun! Complete article here! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on [...]

Following up on Opportunities

If you take the time to go back and really think about how something began you will see the value of “simply showing up.” Even those events you feel (actually you are convinced!) might be a waste of your time or effort.

Set your Art Career in Motion!

We take the failure out of art marketing and put positive results within reach of the artist!

So you have a Facebook Page-now what?

With a business to run, and other communication tools such as a website to update, many Facebook pages unfortunately become inactive. How can a business owner make use of a Facebook page without devoting too much time to its upkeep?