Past Posts

February 2025
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Evaluating annual Business Plan

With July behind us, we have hit the home stretch for the end of the year. Now is an excellent time to look at the business plans we all talked about (and you made) in January and see what the results have been so far. It’s pretty easy to know what you have been able [...]

Replying to the Robert Genn post on Aggressive artists

From Steve of ACE: Here is my reply to a recent letter from Robert Genn on Aggressive Artists. I have severely edited it, there is much I would like to add. Here is the link to his letter, I am reluctant to copy it here. I will try to keep this short, but I [...]

I want to be an Artist Part 2

Last time we talked about the emotional tolls that being an artist brings about. It is a challenging job because the creation process in and of itself is so innately personal. Successes and failures are too often taken to heart, and not viewed in a detached or business like fashion. Please visit this article to see how you might best prepare yourself for the emotional journey of becoming an artist.

The Artist’s Creative Zone- The Key to Zoning out

The Artist’s Creative Zone- The Key to Zoning out. M Theresa Brown The Creative Zone. It’s where all artists want to be. Whether you create your art product for pleasure or create it for profit, the Zone is that artistic level where an artist is in tune with his creative process and everything else is [...]

Combining art, family and career

Every so often I run across some great articles where I feel the content is SO appropriate that it is necessary to share much of the article as it was written!  It would be very interesting to see if this documentary becomes available to a wider audience. Arlington, Mass. – The highly acclaimed documentary, “Who [...]

Controling the Internet overload and Studio time

There is such an information overload on the Internet these days that it’s a wonder that an artists gets anything done! TV shows, world news, local news, family emails, client emails, weird news,computer games,Facebook, Twitter……just to writ it all down is exhausting! To turn on your computer means you are lost for several hours!

Mining the client Gold Mine

A huge mistake that beginner art marketers make is to forget about their old customers.  This may not sound accurate to  you if you are a new marketer but assuming that you are now now done with a former client once they have purchased from you is a huge mistake.  You may think that since [...]

Websites and the Zen of selling

So why is there still such a hesitancy among many artists in regards to the words “selling or marketing?” It takes as much effort to sell trash as it does treasure!

A Saturday work day!

Yes, a self employed artist DOES work on a weekend!  If it is not a show, it is meeting a client, marketing at a local gallery or painting our commissions. It is very nice to be off the road for a bit! The deserts of the west have made this North Carolina spring seem LUSH! [...]

Welcome to the Art Career Experts Blog site!

We have worked with so many artists and craftsmen over the years that it is nice to finally set it all up on the Internet!  Sometimes we are approached in moments where we cannot spend as much time as we need or the questions are far too vast to answer in one sitting.  So this [...]