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May 2024
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Selling virtually anywhere!

…When I am at a book signing, the people there aren’t there because of me; they are there because of my books. They don’t care what’s inside me. They care what’s inside my books. (John Foxglove)

The Joy of the ART ZONE!

……Maybe some people call it a Zen thing. I call it the “Art Zone”. No matter how long you have procrastinated or how many chores still need to be done, clients to see, bills to pay, kids’ games to see…….somehow, it all goes away when you are creating.

Painting for a cause

When the call came out for Steve and I to help with a calendar for Danny and Ron’s Rescue organization that we support, we were “doggone happy” to oblige :-)

Studio Tours and open gates

Yep it’s that time of year…a fall artist studio tour! It’s actually not a bad idea but outlaying artist studios are at a disadvantage :-) We have to market not only our art, but our gorgeous locations, beautiful studios, stunning road views along meandering country roads….yes, we have to be a DESTINATION, not a “happened upon!”

Playing around with Photobucket

There is nothing more mind bending than wondering how something is done on the computer and going after the answer yourself. I decided that it cannot be done unless you have a fair amount of time to devote to “the cause.”

Rainy Days…….and the artist life

An artist’s life in regards to hours and paychecks is not a real predictable affair. We work when other do not and do not work when others are at work. We get paid sporadically and in terms of income, it can be far more or far less than what someone who is not an artist may make.

Selling on Ebay and a discourse on perseverance!

…… NO avenue of sales will work if you secretly do not want it to!

2 tips for online art sales

You know that marketing phrase “Make money while you sleep?” Well it IS possible for artists to do just that with their art product IF they make it convenient and easy for shoppers to see and buy their art 24/7.

What would you do?

It started with a private email from an artist. She had been contacted by a prospect who had seen, liked and wanted to purchase a $1500.00 painting of the artist’s that she had seen hanging on a wall in a Cafe she visited

Microlending for small businesses

Within five minutes of sending the newsletter out, someone had given me $1,000. Two days later, I had already met our goal. It was incredibly positive. It was everyone coming together, understanding the situation and offering their support. A lot of customers who weren’t in a position to do this came in and bought tea, which helped.