Past Posts

September 2024
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An ongoing Trend-pop up stores!

Pop-up stores are retail spaces — usually in the form of a kiosk or temporary tenant in an empty building — designed to operate for only a matter of days, weeks or months.

Crazy Artist Week..wait, that’s real life!

That’s why so many of the art marketing sites on the Internet are so….unreal :-) . From what we have seen, Very few, if any, are written or presented by artists who are creating art as well as selling it….they fill their sites with tidbits from here and there, from many artists, all of which often makes it seem as though one artist cannot accomplish all the necessary tasks!

Selling virtually anywhere!

…When I am at a book signing, the people there aren’t there because of me; they are there because of my books. They don’t care what’s inside me. They care what’s inside my books. (John Foxglove)

Playing around with Photobucket

There is nothing more mind bending than wondering how something is done on the computer and going after the answer yourself. I decided that it cannot be done unless you have a fair amount of time to devote to “the cause.”

Selling on Ebay and a discourse on perseverance!

…… NO avenue of sales will work if you secretly do not want it to!

2 tips for online art sales

You know that marketing phrase “Make money while you sleep?” Well it IS possible for artists to do just that with their art product IF they make it convenient and easy for shoppers to see and buy their art 24/7.

Thank you to our seminar participants!!

A great big THANK YOU to the participants in our September 11 seminar! If you missed it, see us in November at the Art of the Carolinas! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Tell a [...]

Staying on task! Psyching yourself up!

I need to Remind myself every step of the way that having a marketing plan is not just about making more money or more sales, it is also about taking care of my clients after their portrait commission

pricing pet portraits

I don’t advocate pricing by time and materials, price is so much a part of the perceived value of art and that has to be taken into account.

The Refreshing Art of Entrepreneurship

There is a direct correlation between need and motivation. None of these artists had motivational issues. Excuses did not enter into this picture. They had families to feed, bills to pay and they were delighted to have buyers. None of them pondered the academic world of artist angst.