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July 2010
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Staying on task! Psyching yourself up!

There is some really useless marketing information out there…and I know I say that there are no bad ideas…but the ones I read daily are generic, or even ridiculous (“if you can paint you can make a lot of money!”) but I will eagerly share those I come across with common sense information in there…and I love the way this dog artist phrased the last sentence!  She is trying to get on track and stay there and I applaud her efforts…as soon as I remember where this came from I will post her info!

So My Current Art Marketing Plan includes:

• Setting up a data base, and training someone to help me keep up with it.

• Printing some thank you cards to start sending out to all pet portrait clients.

• Getting back on track with sending out e-mail newsletters starting this month.

• Work harder to follow up with leads and dropped ball potential clients that for whatever reason fail to follow through with placing their portrait commissions.

• Remind myself every step of the way that having a marketing plan is not just about making more money or more sales, it is also about taking care of my clients after their portrait commission. I like my clients so much, and with the amount of repeat business I am fortunate to have I really need to take much better care of them after I deliver their artwork.


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