Past Posts

May 2024
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So you have a Facebook Page-now what?

With a business to run, and other communication tools such as a website to update, many Facebook pages unfortunately become inactive. How can a business owner make use of a Facebook page without devoting too much time to its upkeep?

An ongoing Trend-pop up stores!

Pop-up stores are retail spaces — usually in the form of a kiosk or temporary tenant in an empty building — designed to operate for only a matter of days, weeks or months.

Partnering with non-profits

The one area in which many artists seem to forget is that the term “non-profit” is a little bit of a misnomer, as in actuality, all non-profits need to make money :-) . But artists themselves are NOT non-profits so do not set yourself up to starve by choosing poorly managed, bogus or ill-fitted charities to partner with :-) . Choose wisely and determine the mutual benefit to both parties.

The value of Workshops

So whether you teach an occasional art class, lesson or regular classes, realize that you have just given the gift of discovery to whoever you are teaching! And especially with adult classes, you have opened up a future for many of them. A future of an endless opportunity to discover art in a thousand or more ways!

“Emerging Artist” tag and why you need to dump it!

Our newest Art Career Experts newsletter is coming out this week and for all of those who have been saddled with or have adopted the tag of “emerging artist”, you need to read why we feel (maybe insist is a better word) that you should dump it!

Spoofing the art shows

The following hilarious spoofs on art shows was so funny and so true that we had to share them with you!

Crazy Artist Week..wait, that’s real life!

That’s why so many of the art marketing sites on the Internet are so….unreal :-) . From what we have seen, Very few, if any, are written or presented by artists who are creating art as well as selling it….they fill their sites with tidbits from here and there, from many artists, all of which often makes it seem as though one artist cannot accomplish all the necessary tasks!

Art as Comfort Food

Really, all we needed last night in our studio was a crackling fire to add a little more of the already present ambiance of the evening! Munching away on cookies and relaxing with hot coffee and lemonade (the wine has to be next for the all adult classes!) the two hour class zipped by. It was “comfort food” in the form of art!

The Value of Customer Service!

Only fools and teenagers (lol) do not know that being nice and helpful to the people who support you is the only way to advance in life AND your art business!

Selling virtually anywhere!

…When I am at a book signing, the people there aren’t there because of me; they are there because of my books. They don’t care what’s inside me. They care what’s inside my books. (John Foxglove)