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December 2010
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Good news for end of the Year!

Hope the Holidays have bee great for you so far!

The good news with the results of our art marketing from the trenches (so to speak) is that we were slammed this Christmas with orders for our art! As entrepreneurs, we are used to the ups and downs of self employment and so are not as quick to blame “the economy” for everything that  is “not” happening.  We just work harder. Still it was nice to see clients loosening their purse strings and enjoying spending some of it with us!

Keep in mind too that none of our success this quarter was by accident. We did not stumble upon clients, burn incense or randomly hope they would show up at our studio….we continued to promote our art via our usual tried and true channels: in person, on Facebook, our monthly newsletters, phone, postcards, email…the point is that we persevered. We earned tens of thousands of dollars these past few months because we “kept at it.”  We were prepared whe it hapened.  We were successful not because we are the greatest artists around. Not because we have secret weapons for marketing art. Not because we lucked out. We earned what we earned through sheer hard work and the constant promotion of what we create.

It all goes back to the”rule of seven”-that the average client needs to see you, your message, your art, etc approximately 7 times before committing to investing in your product. Sometimes it is 4 times. Sometimes it is 9. But 7 is the average. So what does that tell you?  Did you go to one show and quit?  Did you offer one art class and quit? Did you send out newsletters twice and then quit? Did you email that prospect once and then quit? If you gave up after only one or two tries, you will never be able to realize your dream!

So look at 2011 as a new beginning! Layout, Study, Complete and Implement your business plan! Have a destination in mind before you start that journey! Then you will see that “making money with your art” is NOT random. It is because you stuck with it :-)

Happy New Year!

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