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 November 20, 2009

ACE Newsletter

Working in Public




"What?" you may ask. "Work with my art product in public?
 Yes indeed! We are adamant about this! It will be a big step towards your financial and public success as an artist!
 But if you are still thinking about it or still too frozen in indecision, then that old Nike ad  about just "Do it" honestly has very real value!  One of the first things to analyze IF you have not started is to figure out WHY you have not done so. What are your reasons?
"Me, work in public? Whatever for? I don't want people watching me work.
 "I can't do it! I get nervous!"
"I don't want people to know how I do it."
"The weather is bad"
"I don't have the right equipment"
"My art is too bulky to tote around"
"I have small children....."
"It won't work....."

Frankly you can find a "good" reason not to do most anything that you feel is too hard,  too tedious, too demanding or just too...well anything! Just listen to your children when they don't want to do something! Hey have a comeback to everything right?
 Now, we don't judge anyone! Heck, we have been there!  Yes indeed.  We have experienced EVERY excuse, EVERY reason for NOT doing something with our art product at some point in our journey to financial gain!   Maybe at the time we thought that it wouldn't work. Maybe  we  felt it was too much work. Maybe we thought it was too much money, time...whatever. But we learned that, wonder of wonders, those old sayings were right! If at first you don't succeed.....try again!

The key to success in ANY business, not just selling your art,  is getting past all the reasons  NOT to do something.We talk with a lot of artists and the ones who will probably never achieve their dreams are the ones who have a comeback to every solution that we offer.  We know the solutions and sometimes the replies are coming from somewhere else. Maybe they tried once. Maybe they were told that it wouldn't work. But whatever the reasons, if you are serious about bringing home a paycheck with your art, you will try over and over. With our help you can shorten the "try again" curve to the areas that will best work for you.
Working in public in any capacity works. 

In this age of computer art, watching an artist create something while people watch is an attraction that brings over the crowds. Everyone is impressed from grandparents to cool teens to moms and children! And YOU gain that priceless sense of worth. YOU are SOMEBODY doing something that all those people watching cannot do. No matter your skill level. Simply working in public brings attention to you and your art product. Not only that, as we have seen, we bring hope to other artists! Hope that they too can "get there."

Need additional motivation? Need daily motivation? We now have a very cool CD out that is not just written words but AUDIO! Yes, pop it into your CD player and listen while you drive, work in the studio and learn ALL the techniques in just one chapter for getting out there and working  in public!  Listen to me, (Theresa) insist that you can do it! Listen to me sharing with you HOW  you can jump start your art career.  OK.  So my accent is a little weird.  But the advice is solid, the methods work and we don't take "I don't feel like it" for an excuse!

Want a preview?  Pop over to this link and watch a few minutes of me chatting about working in public

And remember, join the Artist Paycheck, our yahoo group for immediate questions and answers!


Until next time!


Theresa and Steve!