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August 2, 2010

 ACE Newsletter

6 Powerful Art Marketing Secrets

For Online And Off Line

 by M Theresa Brown

In Art marketing, there are 6 secrets for artist that we have found to be very powerful and effective for online marketing (email, websites, etc.) and off line marketing  (such as sales letters, advertisements, etc.)

1. Write everything to and for your TARGET MARKET. Who is it?  Who is buying your art (or who do you expect to buy your art) is one of the FIRST very important areas you need to know to grow your art business. Is it young couples? Nature lovers? Animal lovers? Race car fans? Beach or mountain lovers? Women with families? Outdoor sportsmen? Fantasy aficionados? Pottery? Sculpture? Green art lovers?

2.  The more you tell, the more you sell. Longer copy, if well written and interesting, almost always outsells shorter copy. Talk in terms that your target market understands and make it INTERESTING!  Boring is the kiss of death.
Think carefully about what motivates your target market visually and emotionally to buy in the first place then gear your writing towards that.  "Warm Fuzzies" love warm, sensitive stories and will take the time to read and relate to your stories.

3. Always have a double readership path. Some people are readers, others are skimmers. Write for both types. Use lots of bold “subheads” which contain the main BENEFITS of your message. 
What this means is (a little like this newsletter) you’re going to have other “headlines” scattered throughout the webpage or sales letter or ad. These smaller headlines are known as “subheads” and they capture a new thought or benefit that makes the skimmer pause to read the paragraph.
You should also do this for emails. Always break up a long email with skipped lines. Many email letters are too wordy with no breaks, pauses or bold print to catch the reader's skimming eye. Your reader could lose an important message within a very long paragraph!

4. Add visual images of your art to the stories you are telling!  Always include your art product images to the writing you are doing. A picture really is worth a thousand words and nothing speaks to your skimmer like an image in your letter or webpage!  Even works in progress hold a fascination for viewers.

5. The headline is the most important part of your marketing message. Without a doubt, the headline must stop your target market dead in its tracks. That’s its job. It must get him/her to read the first sentence of the message (and then continue on from there, of course.)  So work hard on that headline, it’s very important. And NEVER write anything that doesn’t have a headline. It’s the “ad” for your ad, webpage or sales letter.

6. Talk in terms of benefits!  What’s in it for your buyer? Why should he/she contact you now? What will she miss out on if she does not contact you right now?   Is there some special reason for your reader to take action right now, such as a discounted special price, studio sale, new techniques sale? Just keep asking yourself, as you’re writing the webpage, sales letter or newsletter, “What’s in it for my client?”

Print these 6 powerful marketing secrets as a checklist for everything you do that has anything to do with marketing your art business! Put it by your  computer when you get ready to write your newsletter, send an email, or add to your blog and watch the changes!

Want to learn more? If you are serious about learning what it takes and what you need to do to start, grow or expand your art business, we can help! Steve and I are proud to be keynote speakers at the nationwide Art of the Carolinas, Nov 11-14, 2010 in Raleigh, NC.

Our 3 day workshop begins on Thursday evening and all details are here:

All the former barriers and walls to an artist's success are slowly crumbling and the sooner you embrace the changes and learn to expand your horizons, the sooner you will see success! We can help. Not only have we broken all the rules pre-ordained by the art world for twenty years, we continue to break the rules in order to further our success! We love to share, encourage and teach serious artists what it takes to enjoy the life of an artist!

Until later,

Theresa and Steve
Join one of our free yahoo forums on art marketing!

Until Later,
Theresa and Steve

Last week we wrote about adding value. We now offer something extra with our Art For Sale Audio CD set...

You will now get a instant audio download when you invest in the Art For Sale CD set with Ebook.  Still only 24.95. You still get the 2 CD set containing the audio book and the ebook shipped to you, but now you can also download the audio files along with the ebook at the time of purchase. No more waiting for CD's to arrive in the mail.

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 AMSS Book Cover  Single Mom book coverSingle moms CD set


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