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January 3, 2010

 ACE Newsletter

Putting Your Art Career in Motion!


by M Theresa Brown

Everyone loves the start of a New Year! It's human nature to review the  past year, look forward to a new year and see its possibilities.  And it is human nature to make plans and set goals for each new year!

Technically the stretch of holidays ended with New Year's Day. But we have spent days revamping our websites...still doing that.....and  getting organized  long before that D-Day of January 1.  :-)

The good news is that we ended 2010 with a bang...the final 3 months exploded with orders and new collectors.  Like everyone else who works for a living , we too, have had to tweak, adjust and re-work areas of the business plans we create each year in our art marketing!  So every indication shows that consumers are loosening their purse strings!

But our financial rewards were not a result of blind luck. We had many clients and several large dollar clients invest their money into our art this fall but we had consistently been in touch with them for a period of time....some for years!   We adhere to the "rule of seven" and that means  staying in touch with all interested people all year long through a variety of low cost methods.   And that is the point: you simply never know when your steady marketing will pay off! So when they did come to us, we were ready!

Being ready meant that our Business plan for 2010 worked and kept working! Anyone who has been in one of our Art Marketing seminars knows that success does not happen by accident. Or for free, or without thought or without perseverance! If you would like to hear my story on Blog Talk Radio in an interview with Dana Woods, visit my "about me" page and follow along! Click here

Consistency and  perseverance WILL pay off. So this week, as start into 2011, sit down and take the time to lay out a business plan for 2011. It's my mantra :-).

Need help? A big jump star? Join us all day Sunday, January 16 from 12:00-6:00 for an in depth step by step layout and implementation of your plan! Our popular art marketing, audio CD, Art For Sale,  is included in the seminar!      Click here for more info and to register

If you can't be in Raleigh NC on January 16, check out our audios and ebooks and other tools on marketing your art. Click here for marketing tools