January 2012
Theresa Brown & Stephen Filarsky








Happy New Year to us all!  Some years it is a relief to put the previous year behind you and get on with the new one....so here's feeling that 2012 will be a great year for everyone!
Must be this amazingly mild winter we are having so far that is tempting me to think spring planting.  Last year I ordered plant and seeds from catalogues that I had not ordered from in awhile. Yesterday my mailbox was stuffed with plant catalogues from all over the US. Now that's hope for you!  So many possibilities, so many colors...so much work!
 pastel portrait
A christmas present for his Mom


Every January we can share a few of the portraits that we created for clients that had to be kept secret  for Christmas gift giving! Here are a some.....  

pastel portrait


pastel portrait

pastel portrait

We really enjoy knowing that so many paintings were being opened Christmas day. Part of the fun is hearing what the reactions are later :-) Thank you for sharing your memories with us.
 See our Recent Works

oil painting

oil painting

Steve's Paintings........

oil painting

oil painting

Click on images for a better look...
 Paint your pet

painting watercolor  
Art fun and More...

Last year we embraced not only art workshops but Art fundraisers, mom's night out classes and art and wine events!  We were almost overwhelmed with students eager to just have fun!  To see what we do visit our site Art Student Academy.  We are being asked to come to areas far and wide to hold classes and we work them around our show and art schedule so let us know what you'd like to plan and we can go from there!

A Quick Note
 If you are in the Raleigh NC area and want to take a class, here is your chance. Grab this deal for a two hour class in Wake Forest NC from Amazon Local Daily Deal/Living Social.

Quote of the Month

To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Mark Twain
aaadd Today's Laugh

Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder -  click on the image
Visit our blogs at
Filarsky Brown Art StudioLLC
PO Box 337
Franklinton, NC 27525
 Warm Regards,  Theresa and Steve