MAY 2010

News from Our Studio

Theresa Brown & Stephen Filarsky

  This and That



 May is one of those months where everyone celebrates two big events-Mother's Day  and Memorial Day! Around our studio,  we also celebrate the stunning transformation that happens  to our yard when all the wild and heirloom roses bloom at one time.

The abundance of roses around our studio started off with a semi- plan. But as any artist can tell you, plans are more like guidelines :-).  When you dig up plants or flowers at abandoned homesites you don't always get what you think you are getting. Before long our unknown roses combined with our planned roses to make the month of May a mass of red, pink and white blooms.  The blooming of the old roses are like the annual rite of strawberry  picking-it only happens once a year!

It's too bad that I can't pick all these roses and have them delivered to my daughter Kelly's wedding next month in Mexico! Yep, The end of June will find us all in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico celebrating her marriage to a great guy, Brandon Boone.  They'll head back to Los Angeles after the wedding and we'll be getting back to normal!

What’s New in the Art Studio




Steve came back from 2 weeks of shows in Aiken and later this month, he'll head out again to shows in Devon, PA.  The beautiful Upperville show in Virginia is the first week of June and its one we missed last year.  With the activities going on in NC, I have to hold down the fort here at our home studio and our gallery in Wake Forest. But I can usually get away for a few days to the shows closer to home!

We're  scheduling and holding our workshops in various locations and that will also keep us busy. We're still in the tweaking stage of the art camps so it's great that we're both in a position to work the split activites!

We just had our Gallery Art Walk which is the second Friday of each month. I was asked to participate at an outdoor concert with my artwork. But rather than working on finsihing commissioned work, I just pulled out the big sketch pad, a handful of charcoal and started sketching the kids. They lined up...and up...and up....just how many portraits sketches can one complete in 2 1/2 hours? A lot! But what fun to see their expressions when their sketch was completed.

Steve's big art surprise! Steve is continuing to paint his popular mini-series and has some surprises coming up for all of his collectors!  Watch for an email from him in a few days and see the special that he will offer his collectors to celebrate the one year anniversary of!

 As for me,  I have just completed several large pastels and the ever popular gift sized cameos. 

Now that Mother's Day is over, the requests are for graduation and Father's Day.  My clients have always made Father's Day more popular than Mother's Day when it came to the gift portraits. Apparently the moms who don't get their portrait requests for their big day, decide to get it anyway by surprising their husbands with the portrait on Father's Day! Let no one doubt the caring ingenuity of a Mom!

 For the Artists


We have been helping other artists for many years and have joined forces with the Raleigh Jerry's Artarama store for monthly art marketing workshops.  Each workshop touches on particulars  and it feels good to be able to offer help, encouragement and  support to all the artists who ask us for help! It's even cooler that some of the local colleges have asked us to speak to their students :-) Look  up Art Career Experts on Facebook and become a fan! Keep an ear open for our painting workshops coming up in Raleigh!

Interesting  Stuff

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The other day, talking to a teenager, I used the expression "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Seeing a blank stare in return, I realized that he didn't have a clue what it meant! Haven't you noticed, that the more life experiences you have, the more you understand and comperhend  the old sayings, fables and idioms! So for a bit of fun history:

Meaning:  Don't be ungrateful when you receive a free gift.

Origin: This is in the category of phrases called proverbs, short, expressive sayings, in common use, which convey a truism or useful advice. The phrase is often expressed as 'never look a gift horse in the mouth'.  As horses age their teeth begin to project further forward each year and so their age can be estimated by checking how prominent the teeth are. The advice given in this proverb is:  when given a present, be grateful for your good fortune and don't look for more by examining it to assess its value.

Laugh of the month

 Click here for the:   The mom video

We know Mother's Day is passed but who can resist this video at any time?

Quote of the Month

Don't forget to check out our blogs for recent paintings and news:

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
Thomas Jefferson

Filarsky Brown Art Studio LLC
PO Box 337
Franklinton, NC 27525

 Warm Regards,  Theresa and Steve