June 2007  


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Ashton Young and his Girls
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. A. Young
When Diane Young wanted a big surprise for her husband's birthday, she gathered together recent and older photos so Theresa could combine them all into this one priceless memory!

"My husband loved the portrait!   In his words he said "This is the best birthday gift I have ever received.  It's perfect!  My dogs are identical to pictures of them - no one could have painted it more perfectly!  Thank you! "   Ashton M. Young, Oxford, NC


Summer is here! Working outdoors means getting up early enough to beat the heat!  The 4th of July is almost upon us and  the fireworks going off everywhere remind me of the nightly fireworks during the NC State Fair horse shows every year in October. Boy that is an experience to be dreaded every evening by horse and dog owners! You can imagine the Saddlebred classes where unconsciously everyone is counting down to 9 PM. Kind of like the New Year’s ball dropping. Only here, trainers rush to hold an animal unlucky enough to be in a class at the dreaded moment while riders dismount, dogs cower and everyone else is awed by the skyward spectacle J. For anyone familiar with the potential consequences, while mounted on a young horse of an unexpected loud noise, well you can imagine  what 10 minutes of fireworks over a large metal building can produce. Very similar to boom box reverberations somewhere behind you at a stop light!

Hmmmm....maybe I should go outside now and help Steve start loading up for the Deep Run shows?  One would think that upon our return from a show, we could just leave eveything where it is and just turn the key and head to the next one when it is time? 

Well, haven't gotten to that stage yet! Check out what's new, what's funny, what's happening and we'll see you at the shows!


Jack Russells at Rose Mount Horse Show
(9 x 12 oil on canvas)
Collection of Winn Alden

Riding in Ireland
(9x12 oil on canvas)
Collection of  C. Delano
What’s New
Well we’re working hard! Theresa is working daily on 4 large oil portraits and a number of smaller portraits both at the shows and in the studio. One is too large to carry easily to a show so she works on it in the studio. However she can be seen working on some at the shows. You must realize how brave that is! After all, the portraits are seen in various stages of completion and there is always a stage where the painting sill needs to “come together.” In a studio environment, a client never sees that stage, but in the wide open spaces at horses shows…..well the whole world can see every step of the way! J

Steve continue to create his plein air paintings of the sights and sounds of various horse shows and their locations. We returned from the Upperville, Va shows where several clients had him come to their farms and paint everything from their dogs  to their homes, to the views from their porches. And I can assure you that northern Virginia has some spectacular views! You can catch up with Steve and and sign up for his own newsletter for collectors at his website:

Sunset, Ashby's Gap from Innisfree Farm
(oil on canvas 12 x 24)
Collection of Mr & Mrs. Wayne Gibbens

Theresa‘s Blog

Steve’s Blog
Look for us June 26 through July 1 at the Deep Run Show outside of Richmond, Va. After that we’ll be in Raleigh at the NCHJA Show.  (We had originally scheduled the Warrenton Pony Show the weekend of the fourth, however,  the NCHJA show will be a local show for us and allow us to enjoy the holiday at home.  We will be back in VA for the WBTA show at Meadowbrook Stables in July and the Warrenton Horse Show later this summer.)

Granny and the airbag
Click here to view movie
This Month's Laugh

When I say that I laughed out loud, I mean it. We’re sitting in the camper in Upperville when I open this video and Steve had to come look over my shoulder. It is the funniest, candid comedy I have see in ages! It opens with a mom is video taping her two sons on skateboards. There is a squealing of tires and she pans to the event. Listen to her giggling and watch the man in the car. Click on the image


Over the Hill Farm

Bill Schaub's Over the Hill Farm in Sanford FL.

Art links

I mentioned this site once before but if you are seriously buying art supplies, you  cannot beat the prices at this large catalogue company: www.jerrysartarama.com



Quote of the Month:

Opportunity is  never lost; it is only taken advantage of by somebody else.
 Abraham Lincoln


     Until next time!  Theresa & Steve  
     PO Box 337, Franklinton, NC 27525

Ph. 919-880-7431 or 919-880-2858
