January 2008  


 Portaits Main

Recent Portraits 

Equine Portraits 

How to Draw Horses 



Hi! It’s a great day, huh?
January is that time of year when we start the year with renewed energy and optimism!  No long lectures from us about resolutions or recommendations….No, we just  hope you have a great year!
What’s New in the Art Studio
Theresa continues working on her  portraits and Steve continues with his oil paintings. Recently he started creating some of the little art card editions and originals (known as ACEO’s in the art world) and those little 2.5 x 3.5 inch gems have been quite popular. Check out a few below!

Charlotte and JR
  The Pastel Portrait on the left was given by Charlotte's Dad to her and her Mom on Christmas Morning.

She wrote the following to Theresa:

People who ride or work with horses can always remember that special horse that stood apart from the rest.  It is often due to exceptional talent or confirmation or maybe outstanding bloodlines.  Our special horse didn't have any of those characteristics.  He was a 24 year old quarter horse with nothing special about his confirmation or his talent. What made him stand apart was his gentle nature and his willingness to do his best and  take care of his rider.  Charlotte and I have struggled since his death in October.  We miss our friend.  You can not imagine my surprise when I opened this beautiful portrait on Christmas morning.  You captured so completely the sweetness of his face and his wise old eyes.  You also captured perfectly the face of a little girl who thought he was just about the best friend anyone could have in life.  Thank you for doing such a beautiful job.  I will treasure it always.

Kitty Yarbrough

Pastel Portrait 12 x 16

Pastel Portrait 16 x 20


Oil Painting, Red Fox in Snow
Red Fox in Snow
oil, 9 x 12

Crooked Run Valley
oil, 9 x 12
Latest paintings created by Steve.

Fox in Snow
This  2 1/5 x 3 1/5 oil is a "thumbnail" painting, is a prelimary sketch for the painting on the left
Painting of Raven at Grand Canyon
Click on the above image to view the larger painting created from this thumbnail oil sketch

Art Lingo  
Just a few terms to help your art vocabulary and understanding!
Primary colors--colors that can't be mixed--red, yellow blue

Secondary Colors--colors mixed from 2 primary colors--orange (red and yellow), green (blue and yellow), purple (red and blue)

Neutral--gray, white or black

Value--light to dark range of a color, white has the highest value, black the lowest.

Important: Our Privacy Policy
We have added a page to our website with our privacy policy, regarding information given to us, either from forms on our website or from signing our guest book. It basically says, "1.We don't give your information to anyone. 2. We use it to send our email newsletters, post cards or to contact you if you requested information on portraits or paintings.

This month’s laugh 
  Watch and listen Moms, it will make your day!


Quote of the day 

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
- Aristotle

Interesting Trivia or Did you Know?

The Eisenhower Interstate road system requires that one mile in every five must  be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.
Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.
In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.
It takes a lobster approximately seven years to grow to be one pound.
Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.

Wintertime Lesson at Bridlewood Farm

Barn of the Month

Hidden away in a quiet corner of southern Granville county, north of Raleigh, NC is  Bridlewood Farm. Meet the owners and trainer of our Barn of the month by visiting their site and seeing what they do!


Road Tips
We travel a lot! A recent site I found states “Road tripping is a state of mind. To truly enjoy it, you must embrace the philosophy of the road, much like European backpackers must bring a mindset of art and culture and beachcombers must be prepared for umbrellas in their drinks and sand in their shorts.”  This is a pretty interesting site with things like Green travel, traveling with pets, kids, teens, historical trips, women traveling alone…just a host of things to know!
     Until next time!  Theresa & Steve  
     PO Box 337, Franklinton, NC 27525

Ph. 919-880-7431 or 919-880-2858